Back in the early 2000s, I travelled for 3 years – Africa, North America and Asia. I knew I would have a lot of time on my hands so I decided to learn to juggle the Devil Stix. Since then, a set of Stix have joined me on most of our holidays and the kids are getting better and better too. Nothing like building concentration and hand-eye coordination while having fun. This adventure I have a set of Stix but also have a Diablo…look them up!
We were in Laos mailing postcards when our three girls started melting down…as they do! A nice German hippie who was also at the post office, pulled out some Diablos and suddenly the girls were playing and their issues were gone. This chap named Tamas actually makes a living going into schools to teach circus stuff. Especially juggling – he was amazing. So last year when I found myself in London I found a cool juggling shop called Oddballs in Camden Market ( an amazing place where I spent two days wandering).
When we were in the lovely Orkhon Valley, I pulled out the Devil Stix and Diablo and suddenly all our hosts children came out to play. Language was irrelevant, fun and laughter began….and didn’t stop. Luckily Kaia was laying on the ground and got these shots of our families having fun!