Up until now things have been pretty busy and programmed, so Kathmandu was planned to be R &R. Staying in my friend Woodys 2 bedroom apartment ( while he was away in Denmark) afforded us the opportunity to do lots of nothing, catch up on the blog and just rest. Woody and I have had numerous adventures together in such far flung places as Mocambique, Madagascar, South Africa and a few Burning Man experiences to name a few…. we are so lucky to use his apartment. As my daughter said – “ This place is lit”
It was also time to try and sort out e-visas for India and hopefully set up an adventure in Nepal (or ‘Nipple’ as the well edumacated Trump called it). The food was great and the city was hectic….I loved it! The kids wanted a local cultural vent so we went to see Hotel Transylvania 3. I just always wanted to be at the apartment for sunset…..