From India our route was to go to South Africa, so now we are in Abu Dhabi. Again, the best laid plans of mice and men…. When investigating flights to Johannesburg from Bombay there were minimal direct options. We also knew we wanted to get some diving in for the older two while it was all fresh in their minds. One great option was to fly to the Seychelles and then on to Joburg. So now we are in Abu Dhabi….
Marie-Christine has a few great friends in Abu Dhabi. Her university friend Tonya has been after her for 7 years to come and visit. Tonya and her husband Max have opened up their house to us, and their daughter Gabrielle, is overjoyed to have some playmates around. M.C. also has a great friend, Alison who has gotten married and had a little girl since we last saw her. The dive component can be covered in the sultanate of Oman in beautiful water which sounds superb. So Now we are in Abu Dhabi….and it is awesome!