After bad luck and bad timing in Goa, Kaia and Skye were able to finish their Junior Open Water Scuba Certification in Oman! We got an SSI referral from Gabor in Goa showing they had done their academic work and passed their written test ( both scored in the 90s). In Goa they got to do a few confined water dives in pretty crap visibility but they did not count for the Referral so they were some free experience dives. So in Oman they had to do two confined water dives and two open water dives….and these were done inthe Dimaniyat Islands – Oman’s premier dive area.
Gearing up was fun and you could see a bit of the trepidation in our little Divers. Even Willow was a bit scared as she would be snorkelling in pretty open water, off a boat for the first time. A 35 minute boat ride brought us to an incredibly aqua blue lagoon where the girls would do their confined water dives. M.C. and I were to dive very close on a nearby reef. When we came back to the boat all three girls had some pretty big smiles. These smiles continued on the second dive on day one and through day two. Their instructor Arif was quite impressed with their skills and abilities.
On day two all three kids got to see lots of aquatic life. Willow from above and our two divers down below. They saw turtles, rays, different types of eels, a variety of trigger- and angelfish, nudibrqnch, tons of squid, clownfish(Nemo), juvenile emperor angelfish, stonefish, goatfish and tons of other fish. They have just start diving and they are already spoiled! Now we have 4 certified divers in the house and Willow is already keen to get her certification in 2 years.