After the Falcon Hospital we continued our great day by visiting the Grand Mosque at sunset. It truly lived up to its name and sunset is the only time to go IMHO. I love arches and this place was full of them. Our guide was pretty interesting and funny and the girls asked lots of questions – why are there tissue boxes all around the prayer area? Where do they put the tissues when used? Very key issues😂
I actually had to wear trousers and Marie- Christine had to wear the supplied abeya. She looked great in the brown one but I asked her why she didn’t get the blue one to match her eyes. The kids had to be covered but not their heads. At the back of the group is a guy I dubbed the ‘tour bully’. If you get even slightly separated from your free tour group he gruffly herd you back to your crew. Yes – it happened to us more than once….

Ridiculously stunning place. Thank you for sharing. Enjoying the views you’re posting.
Long time no hear! Was beginning to wonder…. Glad you are enjoying our adventure – wanna come join us somewhere for a week or two? Would love to catch up again!