Our final stop on the Baz Bus was the Mother CIty – Cape Town! Why is it the Mother City? Here’s why: https://www.capetownetc.com/cape-town/cape-town-called-mother-city/. This was our goodbye to the trusty Baz Bus. It was sad to say goodbye to this service as it had done us proud across the entire width and breadth of SOuth Africa. While there may Be slightly cheaper means of transport, the Baz Bus was great for us. WE met some nice folks on the Bus and it took all the hassles out of arriving in a town and walking/getting transport to accomodation. Sure it limits your choice of accommodation a bit but the spots that are affiliated with the Baz Bus turned out fantastic for us! With a family of three girls – the Baz Bus Rocked!

As we had planned to spend a week spanning Xmas in Cape Town, we realised early that accommodation might be an issue. Marie-Christine has lots of Marriott points but using points at Xmas proved to be difficult. We checked out the numerous hostels listed by Baz Bus but in typical Xmas fashion there was no room at the Inn….kindly, one of the Baz Bus hostels (African Heart Hostel) suggested we contact a buddy of theirs, Wouter, who rented out apartments! Also in typical Xmas fashion – we struck gold! We got an awesome apartment in the fairly safe neighbourhood of Sea Point! We made a big ask of Wouter and his girlfriend Lotte to see if they could dig up an Xmas tree. We did not arrive at our Sea Point abode until 11 at night and found this amazing sight! The little ones were blown away!

The apartment was perfect for us. It even had a security guard who walked around the several buildings Wouter and his girlfriend Lotte used for students. We still had the occasional person putting their heads near/in the window and asking for a place to sleep or some water…Africa is a tough place…..we planned on being there for a week but extended and only left on New Years Day (cheaper for the 24 hour bus trip to Windhoek – the capital of Namibia.